HIS 関連ツイート
In the Ancient Ispanian language, his name means Light of the Sacred Flame (聖なる焔の光 Seinaru Homura no Hikari?).
@LukeFonFabre__ 2018/12/24 18:01
RT @suomarinen: いとこのベンジャミンも負けてはいません。
燃える戦車に挟まれて脱出できなくなって「くっ、殺せ!!」と叫ぶ相手のド頭に、Benjamin Bunny raised his Scmeisser and pumped a full magazine…@nuka_co_a 2018/12/24 18:04
RT @mag_mart: IFS編集長も高橋選手に大注目中!
> Oh yes, I did watch Daisuke’s short program – a number of times actually 😄. He was fabulous. As always. I…@beru3487 2018/12/24 18:06